Creating With Style

26 Jan 2021

CSS Can Only Go So Far

Have you tried building your own website? If you have you’ve used JavaScript and CSS stylesheets before. If not, CSS stylesheets is a way to make your webpage look cleaner and add simple text and background color changes as well as font designs. CSS can only go so far. While there are many people who are proficient in CSS and can create amazing webpages only using their CSS designs, a helpful framework is Ui-Semantics.

UI Semantics Framework

As a first time user of UI-Semantics, it can be very complicated to get everything looking just right. But let me tell you, I have tried building a webpage without it, only using the options giving in JavaScript and CSS stylesheets and while I am no expert it is a lot easier to master UI-Semantics versus the built-in options. UI-Semantics can be like learning a new programming language, but once you learn the basics, it can take your very novice looking webpage to appear and work like a professionally designed webpage. It is very user friendly and makes your webpage easier for customers to use. It can be frustrating to figure out just like learning something new is, but it takes your webpage to the next level in design. The little addition of icons and interactive features such as dropdown menus, grids, and the use of cards on a website adds that visual aesthetic to the website’s design.

It Is Worth It

I wish someone told me about UI-Semantics before. Trying to create a simple menu only using JavaScript and CSS takes way more time and effort than with UI-Semantics. It amazes me that just telling the computer

<div class="ui menu"> 

will create a menu with clickable links and align the container at the top of your screen. It does all the work for you. What takes you an extra 5 lines of code can be built with one line contained in a div class. And it does not stop there. You can continue to change the look and feel of your design in CSS. Want to center your new menu? Simply add the word centered to your div class. Want to add icons to your menu? No problem, just say so. Want your menu to have no background or shadow? Of course you do because it looks better that way. Easily done with two words in your CSS stylesheet; “background: none;” and done. There is no need to figure out the padding or margins for a perfectly centered menu or a menu that appears on the left or right. Semantics creates a template that already have those figured out for you. It really is worth the time and effort you put it to learn this new progamming language. It will make your life so much easier.