Invoice1 WOD

28 Sep 2020


For this WOD, we had to print a receipt for a list of five items. Then we had to calculate the price with the quantity per item. We then had to calculate the subtotal, sales tax, and finally grand total for all the items purchased. [Invoice1 Instructions] (

Working on WOD

The beginning of the WOD was just creating variables for each item. This was pretty simple because I copied and pasted and just had to change the value for each variable. Then having to format the table is where I slowed down. I could not figure out how to reference my JavaScript variables in the HTML code. I had to pull up the walk-through video on how to get my variables to print in the table. Once I saw how, then it was just more copying and pasting to format the table with the correct values.


I did the same as before to prepare for this WOD. I first tried it on my own with no timer. When I found that I was stuck I tried to figure it out, but I am not familiar enough with JavaScript and HTML, so I had to open the walk-through video. I skipped to the part I was stuck on and once I got over that part, I worked on the rest on my own. I then knew exactly what to expect and where I would get stuck or slowed down when I put the timer on.

Better Prepared

I could have redone some of the assigned reading to see how to reference JavaScript in HTML and a better way to format a table in HTML.