
26 Nov 2020

Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details.

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For Assignment 2, we had to build off Assignment 1. Assingment 1 we created a store webpage. The webpage included a home page and a products page. In the products page, we included a list of our products we offered and a quantity for potential customers to choose how many of each product they wished to purchase. It would then print an Invoice with their new total for the products they chose to purchase. In assignment 2 a new restriction was added. Before you were taken to the products page, you were taken a sign in page. You had to either sign in or get taken to a registration page to register as a new user. After, you would be taken to the Invoice page with your product purchases and a personalized message.

What did you learn from this assignment?

I learned how to make sticky values. We had to do a lot of checking for valid input and to make it easier on the user sticky values were added, so they did not have to retype all the information if they had to fix an error. I also learned how to write to a js file. When testing, the js file got pretty long, but knowing how to write and then access the values you just wrote to the file was a big part of what I learned from this assignment. I also learned how to pass values between multiple pages. Having the user sign in after they chose the quanitity of products they wanted was kind of annoying to have to pass along those quanitites between mutliple pages because it made the query string very long and I did not like how it looked, but maybe I can fix that in the next assignment.

Did you work with a partner? Assign an estimated percentage on the amount each team member contributed to the assignment.

I did not work with a partner. The site I created was on my own. I did work with Kevin to go through each other’s code when we had problems or if we knew how to do one part of the assignment we could show each other how we did it and then implement it into our own code. I would say we each contributed 50/50 to our assignments. Our sites look completely different, but our code is pretty similiar since this assignment called for the same requirements.

How did you get help when you needed it? What did you need help with?

I got help from Kevin mostly. You know how people say you understand things better when you explain it to another person, that helped me a lot. A lot of errors I made were small syntax errors, so having another pair of eyes to look at really helped because a lot of times the program wouldn’t tell me I was missing a semicolon at the end of a statement. When Kevin and I were both stuck, I reached out to the professor. I had a hard time with sticky values and passing values between pages. I did not know how to access the username to create a personalized invoice.

How was developing this assignment different than assignment #1?

Assignment 1 looking back was a lot different. It was more about design, since we did a WOD that was very similar to the project. It was also difficult because we were starting from scratch, so we had to think of a design and add pictures and write useful working code. Assignment 2 was all about implementing working code. The layout and design were not as important because we already designed our store. It was more about checking validity and being able to access our js file.

Estimate the % of time you spent a thinking about how to do something, I would say, about 30% of the time thinking about how to do something.

b writing code (but do not include testing, 40% of the time writing code and doing research about how I wanted the code to run. I also did not know how to do a lot of validation, so I put a lot of research into this part of the project. c testing and debugging 30% testing the code, because I had to check every single possible problem that could go wrong, that my code would still work. And there was a lot of different kinds of validation.

Describe what worked well with this project? What did not work well?

The sign in page worked well because we did something similar in class. The registration page was a little more difficult to figure out. Starting early definitely helped with this project even though I still couldn’t turn it in on time. What did not work well was trying to fully copy someone else’s code. It never worked because they use different variables and had different problems. When wanting to use someone else’s code, tracing their code to find out how it worked and then using their code to write your own allowed for a lot less errors and easier to figure out. If you could go back in time and do things differently, what would you do differently?